Thursday, 23 August 2018

Oman Attestation

Oman Attestation

Oman is a well developed nation in the Arabian Peninsula and the country is world renowned for its rich and variety opportunities. It is one of the attractive states in the gulf region, so very huge amount of migration happens in Oman. But the government imposes some requirements to immigrants for making them eligible in the Oman legal system. As per the Oman laws and rules, every immigrant has to attest their required certificates for obtaining a permission to enter in the country. 

Oman attestation is defined as an initial step faced before you flying into Oman. The country has their own embassies situated in all over the world and they are responsible for granting certifications. The Oman is one of the strongest members in the Hague convention Treaty, so the Oman embassies uses Apostille attestation for verifying immigrants certificates. But on the basis of certificate, Oman embassy recommends some legal processes before providing certification.

The processes required for educational certificates Apostille in Oman

  • ·         HRD attestation (Human Resource Development)
  • ·         Sub Divisional Magistrate
  • ·         Apostille

The processes required for the noneducational certificates Apostille in Oman

  • ·         Home Department attestation
  • ·         Sub Divisional Magistrate
  • ·         Apostille

All these are home country verifications and these are mandatory for obtaining a Oman certificate attestation. Oman attestation is divided into three main categories educational certificate Apostille, non-educational certificate Apostille, Commercial certificate Apostille. These three certifications have sub categories also and it will be decided on the basis of certificate names and type. Apostille attestation helps immigrants to easily catch their purposes and needs. Higher educational purposes, visa purposes, job purposes, migration purposes, business purposes are the main objectives of attestation. Passport copy and original certificate are common requirements and both are mandatory for applying Oman attestation. People who are coming with visiting visa into Oman don't need to attest their needed documents.

Transfer Certificate Attestation

 Transfer Certificate Attestation

Transfer certificate is defined as a formal letter given by the school authority to students to mention that the student was studied in their institution. Transfer certificate Attestation is important in the international education fields. But it should be first verified from the concerned country’s embassy before using in the required field. . In most countries attestation is used for finding the authenticity of the immigrants certificates.

For easy understanding, it is a world renowned international procedure. And transfer certificate attestation is one of the important sub categories of attestation and it comes under the main category of noneducational certificate attestation. Every activity related to the attestation is fully managed and handled by the concerned embassy, because they are the supreme authority of providing certificate attestation. Through imprinting an official seal on the transfer certificate become more authenticate in the destination legal system. Transfer certificate is world renowned in some synonym terms like conduct certificate, TC, and character certificate, etc.

A Transfer certificate is an official record which contains information like….

  1. ·         Name of the student
  2. ·         Admission no of the school
  3. ·         Date of birth
  4. ·         Date of leaving
  5. ·         Subject or  class studied
  6. ·         Board of examination
  7. ·         Reason for leaving
  8. ·         Character and conduct
  9. ·         Recognition of the Principal
In some cases which will be helps the certificate holder to prove his/her qualification in the  destination country. Once you got an attestation your transfer certificate will be accepted anywhere in that particular country.  Original transfer certificate and passport copy is essential needs for getting an attestation. Transfer certificate attestation has certain validity and it will depend upon the issuing country. School and college admission purpose is the central aim of a transfer certificate attestation. In some cases which will be helps the certificate holder to prove his/her qualification in the concerned field.  

Monday, 20 August 2018

Death Certificate Attestation

Death Certificate Attestation

The phrase death certificate is referred  as an essential record issued by a medical practitioner to legally testify a person's death. A death certificate will include all important details regarding the death like the cause of death, date of death, and name and other information of the died person. In almost all countries death certificates are considered as a public document, because in every legal system the authorities use this certificate to confirm the death of a person. 

Death certificate is an essential document in some international fields, but it should be attested before using beyond the boundaries of the issuing country. This international verification procedure is commonly called as a death certificate attestation. In the international level death certificate attestation is mainly used for probating claims and also for acquiring financial needs. The central aim of death certificate attestation has to check that the certificate is being given by the mention department. Death certificate attestation is one of the significant branches of noneducational certificate attestation. Some requirements are essential for getting a death certificate attestation from the concerned embassy, but it will depend upon the issuing embassy.

Some common requirements of a death certificate attestation :

  • ·         Passport copy of the applicant
  • ·         Original death certificate

Attestation procedure is a way to increase the reach-ability of the document and it also makes your international communication fast and easy. Death certificate attestation is used mainly for getting some needs without the presence of the dead person. Nowadays, every country’s uses this  attestation to ensure that the person specified in the certificate was died. Family members or relatives of the died person can apply for death certificate attestation. Financial needs are the main purpose of the death certificate attestation. In some cases, death certificate should be verified from the home country  before submitting for embassy attestation.

Monday, 13 August 2018

Birth Certificate Apostille

Birth Certificate Apostille

Birth certificateApostille is a significant sub category of non-educational certificate Apostille, in which a Hague convention country’s embassy will legally verify your certificate by using an Apostille stamp. Apostille verification will make your birth certificate legally authenticate in the destination country. Birth certificate is concerned as a first document in every person’s life and it will help to identify a new born child by name, place, sex, birth and parentage, etc. usage of birth certificate without Apostille stamp is strictly restricted in all Hague convention countries. Hague convention countries use this certification for finding the actuality of the immigrants birth certificate. Birth certificate Apostille is required only for under 18 immigrant peoples. As per the rules of Hague convention countries, every minor immigrants should verify their birth certificate from the concerned embassy, before their immigration process.

Purposes of a birth certificate Apostille :

  • This certification is important for achieving higher education from a reputed university in the Hague convention country.  
  •  Birth certificate Apostille is necessary for migrating into any of the Hague convention country.
  • Students should verify their birth certificate with Apostille stamp for taking a school admission from any of the Hague convention country.
  • It is also mandatory for children’s visa purposes.

But obtaining a birth certificate is a simple procedure, because original certificate and passport copy are the only major requirements needed for applying a birth certificate Apsotille. Through this verification the certificate become eligible for submit everywhere in the destination fields. The whole related process of birth certificate Apostille is handled by the embassy officials and they will check the credibility of the certificate before granting the verification. If they found that the submitted certificate is fake the authority will take legal action against the applicant. 

The birth certificate is one and only identity document of every minor person, so it should be verified to reach in any Hague convention countries. It is the one and only document of every minor person, so they should verify it for entering in any of the Hague convention country.



UAE is a federation of seven emirates, and a progressive emirate in the country. UAE is a wealthy Arab land in the world. The government of UAE provides PCC certification to its residents who stayed in the country for at least 6 months duration is called UAE PCC. The main aim of this certificate is to enumerate that the applicant is done or participate in any illegal activities inside the country. The actual meaning of PCC is Police clearance certificate and it also called in other terms like good conduct certificate, good citizen certificate, and judicial certificate, etc. UAE police department is the mandatory authority of issuing police clearance certificate. Before granting this certification the authority will collect all information related to the past activity of the applicant. It will help them to understand about the applicants, that he/she is harmful to their country. But there are many documents required for this certification.

Documents required for applying a UAE PCC are listed below.

    Emirates ID
    Passport copy
    2 Passport Size photo
    Fingerprint (if needed)

If the applicant includes any criminal activities such as arrest, conviction, court proceedings, offensive activities, etc. will not eligible for getting this certificate. It is a clarification process done by the UAE police it will assist them to know about the certification.

Death Certificate Apostille

Death Certificate Apostille

Death certificate is an essential public document and which used to legally certify a person's death. Everyone depends upon the hospital authorities to obtain a death certificate, and which should be signed by a qualified doctor to legally confirm the death of a person. Every Death certificate will contain all vital information regarding the death like when and where the death happened, date of death, etc. In the case of obtaining a death certificate, the died persons family members or relatives is appropriate for acquiring it. In some cases, a death certificate is also very important in international fields, but it has to be verified before the using. But Apostille attestation is required for using your certificate in the Hague convention countries and the certification is commonly called as a death certificate Apostille. The central aim of obtaining a death certificate Apostille is to probate claims in order to achieve financial needs.

Documents required for applying a death certificate Apostille :

  •  Passport copy of the applicant
  • Original death certificate

The Apostille verification process will make your document legally authenticate in the destination country. Usage of a death certificate without Apostille verification is a punishable offense in every Hague convention country. Apostille verification is an important activity to measure the actuality of the certificate in the concerned field. The procedure of death certificate verification is not a complicated procedure and in which a computer generated Apostille stamp will be attached on the reverse side of the original certificate. 

By obtaining a death certificate Apostille the applicant can attain their required purposes without the presence of that died person. The main feature of the Apostille stamp is its identification number, because each Apostille stamp has a unique identification number. In this current world situation, every Hague convention country uses this Apostille procedure to make sure that, is the custodian of records carries the original document.